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God is transforming the lives of many people around the world today through the faithful efforts of people just like you! He is doing "extraordinary" things through "ordinary" people.


Today is the day for each of us to carefully consider our place in the Kingdom business that is taking place right now, to fully engage in doing all God has called us to do.



What began with one young man hearing the gospel through the preaching of a street preacher in northern...(READ MORE)

Traditional African Head Wrap


We should never underestimate the power of God to transform one person's life, and then powerfully use that person...(READ MORE)

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Living and Powerful


The Bible is "living and powerful", and God can do special things when one man or woman has the chance to be transformed...(READ MORE)

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Bishop Thomas's Dream


In 1922, the Missionary Bishop N. S. Thomas had a problem. How could he reach the vast territory of Wyoming with the...(READ MORE)

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Stanley Tam


How could God use one very ordinary man to reach countless people around the world with the gospel? All it took was the...(READ MORE)

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Joy Ridderhof


Imagine what it would feel like to dedicate yourself to serving God on the mission field, only to have to go home as the...(READ MORE)

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William "Bill" Jefferson


The story of Bill Jefferson has inspired many to consider their own commitment to using the resources God has entrusted to...(READ MORE)

VOX Radio 97.5 in Liberia


One of the best examples of what God can do when His people work together to share the gospel is VOX Radio 97.5 in...(READ MORE)

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Colorado Springs, CO   80935

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