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...Someone is Waiting to Hear!
3 North American Ministries Partner
to Share Christ in Kenya
Three North American ministries recently partnered to share Christ with people in regions of Kenya including Kilifi County and Mombasa. US-based New Life Africa Networks and Guidelines International, and Galcom International of Canada, worked together with Lulu FM in Kenya to provide solar-powered FM radios tuned to Lulu FM's channels...each unit included an MP3 player with the Swahili-language Bible, and teaching programs! (READ MORE)
VOX Radio in Liberia is Growing!
Since its debut in 2017, VOX Radio in Liberia continues to reach more people with the gospel, as Christians and ministries from North America provide assistance to this very special Liberia-based ministry! (READ MORE)
The Need...The Solution...And Your Place in God's Field
Around the world today there are billions waiting to hear the message of Jesus Christ!
In 2024, the world's population has exceeded 8 billion people! World Venture recently reported that 2.2 billion people do not even know one follower of Jesus! How will they hear about Him? It will take God's people praying more, and (READ MORE)
What if You Had Been Born in Benin?
Imagine being born into a society where poverty, disease, voodoo and false
religions were all part of daily life for you and your family. That is what those
in the Republic of Benin face each day.
While many say they are Christians, they practice a religion which is a mixture of Christianity, voodoo and other false spiritual concepts. True Christian doctrine is desperately needed! Pray for the ministries God has raised up which are making it possible for some of the people of Benin to have access to biblical truth.
Reaching the Turkana With Solar Audio Bibles
There are about 1 million Turkana-speaking people in east Africa. Many of them believe in the god Akuj, and hope to reach him through diviners and prayer to
dead ancestors. Only about 20% are literate, so audio is the way to reach them.
In 2024, New Life Africa Networks will provide solar-powered Audio Bibles in the Turkana language to them! Kenyan Christians are partnering with NLAN in the
distribution of these priceless Audio Bibles to the Turkana. Pray for God's favor
in all the arrangements between now and the planned distribution.
Do You Want To Be More
Involved in Sharing the Gospel?
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The Harvest is Ready...Are You?
Jesus said "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."
(Matthew 9:37, 38 NIV)
You are needed in God's harvest field today! God has uniquely equipped you for some role in fulfillment of His Great Commission!