Global Perspective
A Daily :60 Feature to Inspire Your Listeners
Available on AMB-OS and via FTP
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Share testimonies from YOUR listeners on Global Perspective
Be part of inspiring your listeners to go deeper in knowing & serving God
To request permission to air Global Perspective visit the AMB-OS permissions portal
at and choose the following programs:
NLAF_GLP5 Global Perspective (M-F, 1:00)
For radio placement or questions about the broadcast
contact Roger Lonnquist at
“Global Perspective was started in response to a need. God is moving in powerful ways around the world, and Christian radio listeners in the US who have so much to offer are needed in God’s harvest field, in whatever way God would guide them to be involved. Jesus said the harvest is ready but the workers are few, and that we should pray that the Lord of the harvest would send workers into His field. If there’s ever been a time that message needs to be shared with Christian radio listeners, it’s now.”
“Global Perspective is a daily reminder to listeners that God has uniquely gifted them to serve, and that they will find satisfaction as they seek God and use their lives for His purposes. As YNOP established the New Life Africa Networks and invited listeners to be involved in sharing the gospel across Africa, there was great enthusiasm and participation by our listeners. Many send thank you notes expressing gratitude for the opportunity to be part of what God is doing.”
Roger Lonnquist - President
New Life Africa Networks
Your Network of Praise